About us
Zveza prijateljev mladine (ZPMS) means Slovenian Association of friends of youth (SAFY).
SAFY is a non-governmental, voluntary, philanthropic, and non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for children, young people, and families. Its primary mission is to advocate for their interests, address their needs, and safeguard their rights. With over six decades of tradition, SAFY has established itself as a trusted organization, recognized for its professionalism, high-quality programs, and impactful outcomes. The organization is steadfast in promoting the principles of volunteerism and the well-being of children.
SAFY operates through a network of 110 community and municipal associations of friends of youth, covering the entirety of Slovenia. The organization benefits from the contributions of over 5,000 dedicated volunteers.
At the national level, SAFY independently develops initiatives to address the needs of its members while also coordinating nationwide programs. These efforts often integrate and amplify the activities of its member associations, creating a cohesive and effective framework for addressing social issues.
Established in 1953, SAFY has become an indispensable part of modern civil society, focusing on key societal challenges impacting children, youth, and families. The organization’s foundation rests on voluntary engagement and the cultivation of meaningful interpersonal connections.
- Commitment to volunteerism
- Non-profit orientation
- Promotion of positive and ethical values
- Fostering tolerance and respect for diversity
- Ensuring equal opportunities for all children, young people, and families
- Maintaining an open and collaborative environment to build partnerships with like-minded organizations